Tessa Ransford OBE, Hon.DUniv (Paisley), MA, Dip Ed
Poetry Practitioner and Adviser
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The Oxford English Dictionary gives 69 definitions of 'stock'. When it means a fund or store, the word evokes the trunk, or stock, of a tree, 'from which the gains are an outgrowth'. Collapse occurs when you prune the tree so heavily that it dies. Ecology is the stock from which all wealth grows. (George Monbiot. Weekly Guardian 24.10.08)

Take stock
make stock
root and stock
stock up
clear stock
stocks and shares

Stock the larder
stock the shelves
lock and stock
stock and barrel

Farm stock
herd and flock
choc a bloc
build on rock

tree stock
leaf and fruit
good stock

Cut and dock
now stump
now dwindling
now finished

Tessa Ransford
November 2008

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